Well, once again it is Friday and I sit here pondering the week gone by. It has been an interesting week here in the Breadbox, with strange highs and even stranger lows. I learned a lot of new things both internal and external, but that is nothing new. A week that goes by without learning something is a week spent in a coma. Recognizing those learning opportunities can be a learning experience in itself.
Just what did I learn this week?
- · Mother nature doesn’t care about your plans to hike Tablerock on Sunday. If she wants to pour down rain, she is going to pour down rain and no amount of bitching is going to change that.
- · Eating an entire pizza by yourself in one weekend WILL give you a stomach ache.
- · I learned that most people are nice and won’t bite if you talk to them.
- · I learned how to add text to an image in an A.I. file and how to convert that file to a PDF and JPEG for use in other programs.
- · Sometimes dogs snore just as bad as ex-husbands, but throwing a pillow at a dog works much better than at the ex.
- · I learned a lesson in perseverance, we may talk more on that subject later.
- · Bear crawls are a lot harder than they look and they look pretty damn funny.
- · First dates will not happen during hunting season no matter how well you get along during the rest of the year.
- · Sometimes the things that hurt the most at the moment are the things that are best for us in the long run.
There were more, I’m sure, but I’m at the end of a good book right now and it is calling me away from my writing. I do need to make sure I finish it soon since NaNoWriMo is coming up in a little over a week and finding time to write 2500 words a day in between work, school, and a slowly blooming social life is going to be difficult enough without the end of a good book distracting my attention.
What I am working on for this year is very different from anything else I’ve ever written. I’m not even sure, myself where it is going to go. As usual I just have a rough idea of the plot and a series of characters who try to keep me up at night guessing how they may handle certain situations that I think they are going to encounter. Actually, it has been really hard to not start writing this one until November 1st but I’m trying to play by the rules. If you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, Google it, you might find it interesting. If you are participating in it this year let me know and we can connect over there. I’d love to read what you all are working on and get your thoughts on the whole process.
I guess it is time to wrap up this little ramble. Reading back through it I can’t really find any central theme tonight which tells me I’m probably too tired to focus on any one specific topic with any degree of insight or intelligence.
So for now, my friend, all of us here at the Breadbox wish you sweet dreams and a good night.
I like your ramblings!